24.01.2011 / Dr. Christoph Schindler

24.01.2011 / Dr. Christoph Schindler

24.01.2011, 16:00, Dr. Christoph Schindler @ HCI J 4


An architectural periodization model with criteria of production technology, as illustrated with the example of timber construction.

Contemporary production technology is about to exert an influence on the development of architecture as fundamentally as experienced during Industrialization in the 19th century. While new computer-aided methods are widely discussed and applied, their roots and relation to previous production technology remain obscure. Christoph Schindler analyzes architecture from the perspective of production technology. He aims to contextualize contemporary research in the building industry鈥攄riven by information technology鈥攁nd identify it as part of a continuous development in history of technology. The thesis is built around the scheme of a periodization model, which intends to integrate fabrication within manual, industrial and information technology. It is based on the relation between the three categories matter, energy, and information in each respective period. The validity of the model is proven with help of history of timber architecture, as no other construction method illustrates the relation between processing technology, fabrication methods and architecture more comprehensively over a comparable period of time. It is studied whether the proposed model can be circumstantiated with historical facts鈥攈ow constitutive changes in process technology influenced wood processing and how they respectively coined construction and appearance of timber architecture.

Dr. Christoph Schindler Lecture:


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